WIN 💝 60 minutes 1:1 coaching with @jayclouse Jay has helped 60,000 creators work smarter and grow their businesses Enter: see next tweet
7 months ago
Just shipped 🚀 Customers constantly tell us they have a folder stuffed with screen grabs of customer praise Now you can upload them to Senja and → Store them → Transcribe them → Add them to your website → Measure them #buildinpublic
7 months ago
Just shipped 🚀 Landing Pages Explained got a glow up → Subscribe in header → New page types explained (newsletter, gumroad, courses) → Browse pages by expert → Nicer typography → Over 60 landing pages explained
7 months ago
2 years and almost $30,000MRR Today I have the privilege of working here There is so much more to do But right now I am feeling a moment of gratitude, and pride for my hard work.
7 months ago
Sometimes being a solo founder really fucking sucks
over 3 years ago
I reviewed 200 SaaS landing pages in the last 12 months 👀💪 The best was @popdotwork. Here's why 🧵 1️⃣ Benefits focus in the Hero section:
over 3 years ago
I've roasted 200 SaaS landing pages in the last 12 months 🍗🍗 Here's 16 ideas to increase your landing page conversion:
over 3 years ago
Content is critical for *every* startup. How copy, content and content marketing can help your startup: a thread ⬇️⬇️
over 4 years ago