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Alex Barrow 🪶




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My base case is we’re in a primary bear market and we should enter a recession in the latter half of this year, though odds say we should see a continued bullish counter-trend move over the coming weeks... 1/

over 1 year ago

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Sentiment and positioning remain very depressed. Last week’s SIVB freakout likely marks a near-term low. Market internals (Cyc vs Def, Semis v SPX, etc.) are not leading to the downside. They’re either leading up or trading in line with the market. That’s not bearish... 1/ t.co/MZwWNwyo1s

over 1 year ago

The SPX has only two trading days left in the month to see if it can turn its monthly bar around and close in the green. As of now its not looking so good. Also, the chart is coiling in a tight 10-month range. Compression regimes lead to expansionary ones (aka. Big trends)... /1 t.co/ZldZRzF0UV

over 1 year ago