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Gergely Orosz




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I am still amazed how something I wrote and published a good while back (to the point that I practically forgot parts of it!) can help someone I've never met (and am unlikely to meet.) A reminder that writing is such a powerful medium to communicate ideas, stories, and advice.

4 months ago

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An interesting detail on manager compensation versus individual contributor compensation. Who makes more, almost always? I had assumed (correctly) that managers do. At most companies. But the closer you get to the top of the market (to the “top tiers”) the less true this is!

4 months ago

What are companies that hire software engineers as full-remote? From the top of my head: Airbnb, Shopify, Spotify, DuckDuckGo, GitLab, Sourcegraph, Linear, Oxide, Remote .com. But there are surely a lot more. Know of up-to-date lists for this?

4 months ago

Is Adobe the first major tech company that builds their own AI models to make their terms-and-conditions "GenAI compatible?" I think so! They updated terms two days ago. The new one now has a GenAI clause: t.co/StGuJ3wyPs

4 months ago

Tech companies now announcing they are hiring based on merit: What exactly have you been hiring for, until now? (Needing to make loud statements on this suggests hiring was based on something else at these companies - unlike the silent majority that always hired based on it)

4 months ago

As we focus on efficiency gains AI coding tools can bring to SW development, a reminder: EV car maker Fisker is bankrupt - in a good deal thanks to incredibly buggy *software* and firmware. Quality sw won't come from AI tools. And adding efficiency to poor quality won't help. t.co/tHbv6MAcaY

4 months ago

What an “amazing PM” looks like depends hugely on company, stage in PMF/revenue/profitability, team. For example, when I was on a senior & fast moving engineering team with the goal to make $$: “great PM” meant the PM who identified+prioritized+let us build $$ products/features. t.co/4eemt0JeH2

4 months ago

An odd thing about the media is how "dramatic" news (companies, founders, events) gets the majority of the press. Successful yet "undramatic" companies/teams/people are rarely considered newsworthy. So I did an article last year about a collection of "boring" tech companies: t.co/FqzsiLmG0I

4 months ago

Damning how the EU is trying to quietly pass a bill TOMORROW that would mandate all private communications can be monitored under the pretext of child safety. This would mean forcing backdoors into eg WhatsApp, Signal: or banning those services. Nuts that it is even considered. t.co/cVE9v1IPPf

4 months ago

I continue to be amazed how many software engineers have not taken the bare minimum effort to understand how LLMs work, and assume things like “it can reason.” A trait of any kind of engineering is you look under the covers of the stuff you use, understand how it works and why.

4 months ago
