from Gergely Orosz | by Gergely Orosz

Gergely Orosz


4 months ago

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Tech companies now announcing they are hiring based on merit: What exactly have you been hiring for, until now? (Needing to make loud statements on this suggests hiring was based on something else at these companies - unlike the silent majority that always hired based on it)

Good hiring is always based on: 1. Define the role (SO important!!) 2. Write the job description 3. Built the interview process (based on #1 and #2) 4. How will the decision be made? Done well, this is all based on merit, skills, and experience. Eg:

There is always the question on how can you attract both more qualified candidates, and a more diverse set of candidates than the ones directly applying & coming from referrals? This is where sourcing strategies come in: direct reachouts, advertising jobs, employer branding etc.

Sourcing (at least software engineers) is an underrated topic IMO. I'll likely do research on this. (If you have approaches for sourcing that worked well, or not as well, feel free to drop a DM!)

Here is advice on how to hire a more diverse team, from people who have done it. Hiring decisions are always made on merit based on any sensible company I know. There's a lot any company, team and leader can do to make their process more inclusive though.

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