from Gergely Orosz | by Gergely Orosz

Gergely Orosz


4 months ago

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What an “amazing PM” looks like depends hugely on company, stage in PMF/revenue/profitability, team. For example, when I was on a senior & fast moving engineering team with the goal to make $$: “great PM” meant the PM who identified+prioritized+let us build $$ products/features.

Identifying those projects were SO MUCH work!! They had to be domain experts, do market analysis, user feedback, modeling, experiment planning, customer feedback etc etc. What I mean by “let us build:” like push back on senior execs that wanted our team to do their pet projects.

Another great PM I observed was working with a less experienced eng team who kept getting decision paralysis in how to build. That PM got involved in eng decisions to stop this (was technical enough to call BS on silly eng decisions) My point is: “it depends” so much on context

And, yes: a PM that is technical & can code is a superb skill set to have! The wider the toolset of a PM is (or an EM, or an engineer etc:) the better they can decide which tool to use, when appropriate! Just don’t forget: knowing how to code is not sufficient to be a great PM.

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