from Sam Parr | by Sam Parr

Sam Parr


about 2 years ago

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This summer I lost ~15 pounds. 15% bodyfat to about 11%. I feel shredded and strong. The key: getting my diet right. My fav tool for helping: MyBodyTutor. My nutritionist makes a plan, and calls/texts me daily to review yesterday's food and the current day's plan.

Also, when I go out to eat, I text her the menu ahead of time. And we have some cheats planned in. Plus, I learn about stuff. Example: I'd eat Quest bars (200 cals) when a pound ~pound of cauliflower or carrots was WAY more filling + less calories. (I was a nutrition idiot)

I had the fancy plan. Which was $600/month and did daily calls. There's a smaller plan, like $200/month where you do weekly calls and daily texts (which I'm now switching to). So, just sharing a cool tool I used. (PS: this is NOT an affiliate link)

Here are some before and after pics as proof. WARNING: shirtless, cringey pics. Buyer beware. Also, if you sign up, put in the form that you heard through me. This ISNT affiliate link. I just like asking the owner how many of my followers signed up.

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