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Simon Lewis πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸŽ“πŸŽ™πŸ“ŒβœπŸ½




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🧡 SET Allocations - are children being screwed over?

🧡 SET Allocations - are children being screwed over? 1/ Most people agree that despite the Department of Education claiming more SET hours (formerly Learning Support) are being given to children, it feels like we're getting less. I decided to get the facts. Let's get started!

11 months ago

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1/ One could argue that Catholic Schools Week takes place every week in the majority of Irish primary schools but here it is again. irishtimes.com/ireland/education/2024/01/23/state-must-provide-school-choice-reflecting-the-education-parents-want-for-their-children

11 months ago

πŸ“šπŸ§΅School libraries – Philip Pullman has called for a law that every school in the UK must have a school library. theguardian.com/books/2024/jan/21/every-school-should-have-a-library-philip-pullman-calls-for-new-uk-laws I asked ChatGPT for some do's and don'ts of establishing one.

11 months ago
