Caatholic Schools Week

Simon Lewis 👨🏻‍🎓🎙📌✍🏽


11 months ago

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1/ One could argue that Catholic Schools Week takes place every week in the majority of Irish primary schools but here it is again.

2/ I was struck by this year's article, which discusses the importance of choice. (Ironically 90% of primary schools in Ireland are Catholic - hardly choice.)

3/ Alan Hynes refers to "those who would have us respond to the increased diversity of our society by creating a uniform education system" I am one of those. Why?

4/ He speaks about values and how there is no such thing as a values-free education system. I completely agree. I checked what are the values that Catholic schools espouse.

5/ CEIST, which is one of the representative bodies of Catholic schools helpfully outlines them as: "compassion, justice, love, tolerance, forgiveness and reconciliation" It isn't quite a leap to suggest that these values are not unique to Catholicism.

6/ The only thing that makes Catholic schools unique in terms of values is that their main purpose is to pass on the Catholic faith onto children. I have asked several people to name one other thing and I've yet to get a straight answer.

7/ In fact, here are four people that I directly corresponded with recently on this platform on that question.

8/ A uniform education system, which shares the same values as Catholic schools (minus the faith formation during the school day) already exists in Ireland. They represent 4% of primary schools.

9/ Catholic Schools' Week is just another week where the majority celebrate their monopoly. The thousands of children forced to sit at the backs of classrooms every other week simply have a special week to feel like they don't belong.

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