Fur-Free Film Sets: How to Get Pets to Stay Out of the Spotlight



12 months ago

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A member of #CEOsquad asked this week if I had any tips for filming when you have a full house of pets. Here are 5 tips on how to keep the furbabies from derailing content 🧵

1️⃣ Tire out the animals - Before a film session, the dog gets walked, and the cats get cat-nipped. Everybody gets playtime. I want them tired so that when I disappear for playtime of my own, they mind their business 🤣

2️⃣ Fill their bellies - After playtime is over, it's snack time. When my dog & cats have a full belly, they like to follow it up with naptime. Making sure everyone's well fed ensures there's about to be a 1-2hr quiet window in my household.

3️⃣ Secure your film space - I have a specific place in my house to film (upstairs guest room) but I also have a child gate at the top of the stairs (otherwise they whine outside the door which you can hear in content). That baby gate keeps ensures they're away from the door 💪🏼

4️⃣ Pet sitters or renting film locations - worst case scenario, you can pay a dog walker or house sitter off WAGs app to keep them busy. You can also rent a separate location for filming away from your furry loved ones. (⚠️ Remember most AirBNBs don't allow filming in rentals)

5️⃣ If they interrupt filming against all the above precautions.. I monetize that too.. I edit out the disruption to be its own 1-3min clip & I sell it as bonus footage in PPV DMs. Why? Because the only thing fans love more than our content - is us IRL.

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