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Today I discovered the origin of Taiwan Semiconductors (TSMC) and most of the semiconductor industry is my hometown of Nijmegen 🇳🇱 t.co/BKXOUuT3Sg t.co/87B5tImkfp

over 1 year ago

Read it

✨ Making an image editor for t.co/CcD1tdPqRy today, like DALL-E etc it lets you outpaint, inpaint, magic erase and fill stuff back up You'll be able to remove things you don't like from a photo and create the exact photo you want All vanilla JS + jQuery t.co/qoD0J11wAO

over 1 year ago

me: i think t.co/0v5AJ1SW38 is finally starting to give consistent results photoai: t.co/LLOxqXSBSY

over 1 year ago

Just me or is Stripe Checkout breaking in Chrome? t.co/TUXgHyKf3t

over 1 year ago

✨ Mini feature mockup for t.co/0v5AJ1SW38: search any photo on Unsplash to use as a reference pic to take new photos based on Like "beach volleybal" or "guy coworking" and you can make a pic like that but with you or a model in it Live tomorrow! Idea from @Typeform t.co/4HnBNcZugK

over 1 year ago

✨ Upgraded t.co/eNKgTD2igu from Stable Diffusion 1.5 to 2.1 finally It seems to get details of interior better than SD1.5 It took awhile because before t.co/FPf8JBOWbf with 2.1 results were really bad, feels like they improved it a lot now! t.co/8pOPMJIIAs

over 1 year ago

🚀 Reached $10,000 MRR with 📸 Photo AI after 3 weeks with 318 customers @ ~$31/mo 🦾 Bringing ControlNet to all accounts asap! These are all AI generated photos (I'll add more smiles soon 😅) t.co/taVoYlwnPY t.co/ayhkfyzeCx

over 1 year ago

There should be a term for people starting with generative AI and staying up until the morning every night for the first weeks t.co/fNZiZagYRY

over 1 year ago

Ultra High Net Worth Individual (UHNWI) is >$30M in assets In 2023 a typical SaaS multiple is 7-10x Let's be optimistic @ 10x $30M / 10x = $3M/y So $3M/y as an indie makes you ultra high net worth already $3M/y is "just" 2500 customers paying $100/mo, not easy but doable

over 1 year ago

Akamai acquiring @Linode "A bold new approach to the cloud" = "We're raising prices by 20%" So bold! 😁 t.co/fXxHmPHq4E

over 1 year ago
