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People thought that we were just going to stop talking about BTC DeGods after the mint… Those people have no idea.

almost 2 years ago

Read it

Feed the pigs

almost 2 years ago

If you're not seeing your Ordinal in your wallet, don't stress out. You have your ordinal, wallets just aren't showing it yet. It's because t.co/9G7KC81t00 is broken, which a lot of wallets use. t.co/j2GKPw8cRz is down because we temporarily broke Bitcoin… t.co/wJkXPTkykT

almost 2 years ago

this was my profile picture in my bitcoin maxi days swear to god t.co/Sm6eQf1S3I

almost 2 years ago

Does anyone here even have any Bitcoin?

almost 2 years ago


almost 2 years ago

BTC DeGods = Rat Poison³ t.co/hAJBaiRcJW

almost 2 years ago

lmao @TaprootWizards gmi t.co/2NT3qK7Yxi

almost 2 years ago

History of Solana NFTs by Marketcap. t.co/VS2fm0pNcX

almost 2 years ago

I think it's cool how Mr. Beast literally just took all the money he made on a video and spent it on the next video. 🐐 mentality. Spent everything on making incredible content that people loved. Insane risk tolerance. There's something there that can be applied to NFTs.

almost 2 years ago
