from Darth Autocrat (Lyndon NA) | by Darth Autocrat (Lyndon NA)

Darth Autocrat (Lyndon NA)


over 1 year ago

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. :: PSA : Do NOT rely on JavaScript! :: It's old advice, but it STILL applies. You should ensure any "Vital" aspects of a page (title, canonical, robots/gooblebot meta, actual content etc.) are served and accessible without JavaScript being needed. #SEO

>>> Don't get me wrong, Google "can" do JavaScript! They can not only handle things like dynamically-loaded/injected content (that isn't reliant on interactions), they can also pickup injection/overwrites to things like Titles Canonical Links Headings Anchors (links!) etc. >>>

>>> But there are no guarantees. G may process the JS nigh-instantly, or have a few minutes lag ... ... or if they are backed up, may take hours/days! If your content (or anything else that influences what you intend to rank for, or optimising) is reliant on that JS, it lags!

>>> So if you are dealing with time-sensitive content (news, events, getting ahead of competition with product launches etc.), then JS is NOT something you really want to be relying on! (Similar applies if you are "correcting" content/tags with "edge" SEO JS overwrites!)

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