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over 1 year ago

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How a $50 piece of plaster taught me an important life lesson: 🧵

If you're here... Yes, you read that right. I bought a single piece of plaster that cost 50 U.S Dollars. Why? I'll explain right now.

Yesterday while smoking my daily cigar... I dropped smoking hot ash onto my thigh. It was really hot. And I knew this was not gonna be one of those minor burns you shake off. See. My body has this weird "disorder". My skin scars very easily. Even from the slightest cuts/burns.

Even if I took great care of the wound... It still scars. Easily. So now I'm worried. I'd hate for that tiny burn from the most insignificant of accidents leave a scar. And then be forced to look at that scar for the next 5-10 years before it heals. I really hated that idea.

So that burn led me down a rabbit hole. And I discovered this magic anti-scar thingy called Silica Hydrogel that was especially good for treating burn wounds. Next morning... Went straight to a pharmacy and asked for this hydrogel. Guess how much it cost for one piece. $50.

"That's one pricey piece of plaster innit?" I asked the pharmacist. "It is. But it's really famous for being able to treat burn wounds well and prevent scarring.", the pharmacist replied. "Alright. I'll take it." Now you must be wondering. Where's the life lesson here???

In life we all have these burn wounds. Problems that if left untreated or treated in a half-assed way... Will lead to visible consequences that last over the next 5-10 years. It could be being lazy to file your taxes (I've been there) or your lack of discipline/work ethic.

If you just left those problems alone... Sure. They'd heal eventually. But that's suboptimal. Because then they'll leave scars that you'll need to look at for the next 5-10 years knowing you could've done something differently.

You prolly won't get in trouble for not filing your taxes tomorrow or next week. But you will feel the effects 1-2 years down the line. Penalties Not being able to get loans for cars/homes Anxiety every night before you go to bed knowing the taxman could come knocking any day

Your lack of discipline/work ethic probably won't kill you today or tomorrow. But 5 years later you will look back and hate yourself for not being a better person today. Because you know you're destined for more. And now you just wasted the last 5 years of your life. Fuck.

Fixing these burn wounds will cost a lot in the present. (money/time/effort) But making the investment to pull out the root before it grows will always pay off greatly in the future. Don't let your burn wounds turn into scars my friend. It's never worth it.

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