This AI film franchise is lit: ◻️GPT ◻️2 G 2 PT ◻️GPT-3: Model Drift ◻️The G and The PT ◻️GPT-3.5: The Fate of the Chat ◻️GPT-4 ◻️G5
almost 2 years ago
By 2031, the market for obesity treatment drugs (aka GLP-1 agonists) will be >$150B. That is on a par with all drugs to treat cancer, which totalled $185bn in 2021 per The Economist.
almost 2 years ago
almost 2 years ago
You've probably seen this viral map of Canada: 50% of the country's population lives under the red line Here's a quick explainer🧵
almost 2 years ago
In 2017, Apple filed a patent for a way to turn your iPhone into a Macbook. How? There’s a laptop casing and you dock your iPhone in the trackpad section (and the phone provides the processor, memory and storage). We need this.
almost 2 years ago
Me helping my technical co-founder with engineering issues
almost 2 years ago
Three groups that will make the most money from AI: 1. Chipmakers (Nvidia) 2. Cloud providers (AWS, Azure, GCP) 3. People that write Twitter threads and newsletters about AI
almost 2 years ago
Richard Feynman on the first time he met Albert Einstein. He was giving a presentation (John Von Neumann was there too). Feynman said his face turned green when he heard Einstein was coming but explains how he kept his cool:
almost 2 years ago
Uniqlo’s self-checkout is definitely the best self-checkout
almost 2 years ago
Interesting details about Apple’s secret moonshot team. It’s called the XDG (Exploratory Design Group). It has a few hundred employees with instructions to “work on projects until they can determine whether or not an idea is feasible” (glucose-monitoring device is one project):
almost 2 years ago