Trung Phan
almost 2 years ago
Richard Feynman on the first time he met Albert Einstein. He was giving a presentation (John Von Neumann was there too). Feynman said his face turned green when he heard Einstein was coming but explains how he kept his cool:
Feynman was a Princeton grad student (early-40s). He later said of Einstein “[he] was a giant. His head was in the clouds, but his feet were on the ground. But those of us who are not that tall have to choose!” Writing more on the topic for my newsletter:
The main passage is from Feynman’s own bio "Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman!": I love that the meeting with Einstein and Von Neumann is an a chapter titled “Monster Minds”. Here is Feynman saying Einstein was “very tolerant of other ideas”.
Truly an incredible chapter title
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