
almost 2 years ago

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I've maintained 10-15% bodyfat for 4 years, built a $1M business, & have developed "mind control". The key? Applying these 7 life-changing psychology lessons:

1. You are being programmed 24/7. By the news you watch, the music you listen to, and the people you follow. This programming creates your subconscious belief systems. Beware. Negative inputs = negative mind Positive inputs = positive mind

2. "I am the most blessed man alive". There is 0 reason you should not hold this belief. You have arms and legs. You have a roof. You have food on the table. You can watch the sunrise. You are alive. Believe you are blessed and you will see countless blessings.

3. Extreme ownership. It may not be your fault, but it is your responsibility. Ex: your house gets robbed. It's not your fault - you didn't rob the house. But it is your responsibility to lock the doors, set up alarm systems, arm yourself, etc. Take extreme ownership.

4. Iron sharpens iron. Surround yourself with 5 thieves, you'll be the 6th. Surround yourself with 5 smokers, you'll be the 6th. Surround yourself with 5 men of God, you'll be the 6th. There is a supernatural human instinct to "conform to your tribe". Beware.

5. Interpretation awareness. You can't control what happens to you. You can control your interpretation of what happens. Ex: You get divorced. Now you choose your interpretation. "This is for the best" OR "this is the worst thing ever". Does your interpretation serve you?

6. Your self-identity casts a spell on you. Everytime you say "I'm a lazy piece of sh*t"... you strengthen the neuropathways of this identity. So of course your actions will align with this identity. Self-identity drives default actions.

7. Default actions drive your default reality. Millionaires aren't rich because of "luck". Fit people aren't fit because of "genetics". Happy people aren't happy because of "circumstance". Your reality is a result of your default actions.

And I'll leave ya with this: You are extremely resilient. I've seen firsthand... men lose 200+ pounds, conquer depression, overcome divorce, beat addictions, and completely reinvent themselves. YOU can reinvent yourself.

P.S. We've recently helped @proguerra lose 41.6 pounds, @FIVESCORNER lose 30.5 pounds, and @Serques1 lose 83.8 pounds. Want similar results? DM me "Body" and I'll send you all the details. Click below to DM me "Body" πŸ‘‡

Does this sound familiar? Lose 10 pounds... gain 20 pounds back. Diet for 2 weeks... eat junk for 2 months. On your game M-Th... off the wagon F-Sun. Everytime "life happens" you fall off. This is the exact problem we've helped 300 men solve. DM me "Body" for details.

You are a legend - thanks for reading! If you enjoyed this: 1. Follow me @TheJackBly for more 2. Please RT the tweet below to help others get fit

MEN: Recently we've helped @WithVinny1 get in "the best shape of my life", @MattXFitness go from 215lbs to 197lbs, & @devinmcdermot lose 40 pounds. Want similar results? DM me "Body" and I'll send over the details πŸ‘‡

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