Collin Schmelebeck | The Google Ads Guy
almost 2 years ago
New Search Campaign Tools Unveiled •Google AI •New Customer Bidding Should you use them to gain an advantage over your competitors? /Google Ads Thread/ [img:u0cvk57U2]
As we dig into these 2 new features...we need to remember Google's goal Relevance Above All Else (the more relevant, the more returning and new users they will have, and thus more 💰) So if Relevance is the ultimate goal (Search Query > Ad > Offer) What can Google help with?
#1 Improve Ad Creatives to Match User's Search High level? > Enter Google AI Product level? > Enter "Automatically Created Assets" this was announced way back in May of 2022 and has been in beta for a lot of accounts already but now it's a fully open beta what does it do? [img:hszZivOSg]
they claim to build Headers & Descriptions to create more "Relevant" ads How do they do this? They use these sources: 1. Ad Landing Page 2. Other Relevant pages on the same domain 3. Existing ad creatives in the ad group 4. Keywords in the ad group so what's new tool #2?
#2 Focus on New Customers w/ Search another tool that has been in beta for a while has fully opened up to all accounts New Customer Bidding w/ Search Campaigns sounds like a great idea since this is ultimately most of our goals (increase the overall # of new customers) how?
New Customer Bidding = 2 Modes 1. Value-Based > aka value new customers OVER existing > can get sticky quickly since you will have "fake" revenue in your account 2. Target-Based > aka bidding ONLY for new customers > rarely has worked in beta due to killing campaigns lol [img:EUWl3Xje0]
Over the past 2 years, the "value-based" strategy has been a cool feature (especially w/ smart shopping) however, then you're dealing w/ fake revenue, and you/your clients/your boss can get confused quickly --> it turns into more of a teaching moment than an actual use case
So far I've seen "target-based" work a couple of times w/ PMAX but haven't tested it enough w/ search campaigns to give you an accurate opinion on it (maybe @kasimaslam, @TaylorHoliday, @PPCKirk or @mikeryanretail have had different or similar experiences)
2 New Search Tools Just Dropped •Google AI •New Customer Bidding Are you going to use these tools to try and find an edge?
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