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Ifeanyi onuoha




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Your comfort zone is cozy, but it's also holding you back from reaching your full potential.

about 1 year ago

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If you are struggling with anxiety, read this

If you are struggling with anxiety, read this. 🧵THREAD🧵

almost 2 years ago

Your only limit is your mind! 🧵THREAD🧵 t.co/gSynFIm38U

almost 2 years ago

If your life isn’t what you want, and you aren’t changing it, it’s nobody’s fault but your own. 🧵THREAD🧵

almost 2 years ago

Love is an important and powerful emotion that can bring joy, happiness, and a sense of connection to others. 🧵THREAD🧵

almost 2 years ago

Two people with, the same problem One jumps in One stays on the fence. Who is better off? Dare you jump? 🧵THREAD🧵

almost 2 years ago