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Ifeanyi onuoha




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Your comfort zone is cozy, but it's also holding you back from reaching your full potential.

12 months ago

Read it

If you are struggling with anxiety, read this

If you are struggling with anxiety, read this. 🧵THREAD🧵

over 1 year ago

Your only limit is your mind! 🧵THREAD🧵 t.co/gSynFIm38U

over 1 year ago

If your life isn’t what you want, and you aren’t changing it, it’s nobody’s fault but your own. 🧵THREAD🧵

over 1 year ago

Love is an important and powerful emotion that can bring joy, happiness, and a sense of connection to others. 🧵THREAD🧵

over 1 year ago

Two people with, the same problem One jumps in One stays on the fence. Who is better off? Dare you jump? 🧵THREAD🧵

over 1 year ago