Heather Cooper
about 1 year ago
Midjourney's new v6 is out and available to everyone. I tested several of the same prompts from my v5.2 images with the new model. Here are 5 comparisons: [img:PaudoPrvQ] [img:3s8V37twm]
2) v5.2 and v6 [img:EMEKTeiO7] [img:UybCeoPcH]
3) v5.2 and v6 [img:JB_9tAchF] [img:mqqtx9So5]
4) v5.2 and v6 [img:shrLrBZE7] [img:rVhSCL5L4]
5) v5.2 and v6 [img:t99wSElVY] [img:EOWJHjzYL]
Any Midjourney user can try v6 in Discord by adding "--v 6" at the end of the prompt, or changing the settings to "v6". What do you think about these landscape comparisons? If you've tried v6, share your results below 👇 [img:XmWKiqeZM]
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