Heather Cooper


11 months ago

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💬 AI can spell perfectly with @StabilityAI's DeepFloyd IF Prompt: A chalkboard with "I can spell" written on it with colorful chalk. [img:xgMZTKMAB]

Prompt: A circle with "Hello World" written on it: [img:s8w9Drk9Z]

Prompt: A brick wall with "Heather" written in colorful graffitti on it [img:KA1b8Tm_l]

Try it yourself on Hugging Face: huggingface.co/spaces/DeepFloyd/IF Prompt: A billboard with "Have a great day!" written on it surrounded by flowers. [img:cK_uYsfqC]

Try it & reply with your results 👇 Thanks for reading. If you found this information useful, follow @HBCoop_ for more content on visuals and AI. Retweet the 1st tweet below to share this thread: twitter.com/HBCoop_/status/1661399171859980289

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