from George Ten | by George Ten

George Ten


about 1 year ago

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Marketers will tell you that you have to break limiting beliefs. But since I’m not as good of a copywriter as they are? I need to use my brain to outsell them. So I have a different approach. I call it in-belief marketing. It looks like this: >>>A CopyThinking Thread 🧵<<<

Let me start with an example and a question for you. Let’s take ChatGPT for copywriting. That’s the product you’ll be selling. There are two markets: 1. People who believe ChatGPT can write good copy. 2. People who don’t. Which one would you position your product to?

Trick question. Because… I’d choose neither. Here’s why: 1. People who believe - saturated market. Everyone’s selling to them. 2. People who don’t believe - need to break limiting beliefs for them. A difficult task. So what would I do?

I’d position the product in-between those two. Here’s what I mean: There are people (like me) who believe ChatGPT can write good copy. But… Not the way everyone’s using it. It can write good copy only if those three elements exist:

1. You understand the sections of copy (think of sales page elements) 2. You feed ChatGPT with specific information BEFORE you ask for it to write copy 3. You only ask it to write copy for each individual section at a time. Hint hint: what did we just do?

We used three elements: • Positioning • A unique mechanism • Playing INTO beliefs. I’ll explain. Positioning: we positioned a product unlike everyone else. Mechanism: the three elements above. Beliefs: we’re not breaking beliefs. We’re playing into them. How?

By playing into their suspicions that ChatGPT can’t write good copy. But they also have that little voice in the back of their mind whispering… “But what if ChatGPT actually CAN write good copy but I just don’t know how to use it?” Makes sense? Then…

Here’s where the magic happens. What sophistication level is our audience at? Level 3-4. Yes? So we used a mechanism. And we’re targeting people’s specific beliefs. But that’s not all. Because what happens to the two big markets we mentioned in-between?

The ones who don’t believe ChatGPT can write good copy… Get to keep their belief. But the mechanism is intriguing enough for them to might try. How about those who do believe? The mechanism might push them to buy in order to even further strengthen their belief. So you see…

By using proper positioning… A mechanism that makes sense… And playing INTO beliefs? We’re getting ALL the market. Not just a slice of it. But let’s look at the alternative. Just for a quick comparison. What would a copywriter do?

Most of them would just build something hoping that the hype does the heavy lifting. And if they targeted the believers? They’d get into a red market. The non-believers? They’d try to break the limiting belief and probably fail. And yes. The reason I go this far with THINKING?

I can’t write copy as good as A-list copywriters. I just can’t. And if you can’t either? Good news: You don’t have to write better copy. You just have to learn how to outTHINK them. That’s why I don’t call myself a copywriter. And neither should you - fellow CopyThinker.

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