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Yassin Baum




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Nobody warns you about these 5 "recommended settings" that kill cold email campaigns. I discovered them after sending 30M+ emails. And I tripled response rates by turning them off. Here's what's destroying your results: [img:kp58Ah_zO]

about 2 months ago

Read it

Someone leaked the cold email strategy of a $83,333/mo SAAS on Reddit. And it’s actually genius… You need to see this:

10 months ago

You don't need $1M case studies. You need an actionable blueprint to get to $50k/month. I just talked to Oscar who scaled his agency from 0 to $18K MRR in 6 months using cold email. Here's exactly (!) how he did it: 🧵 [img:Ujo4xJQl5]

10 months ago