from Visakan Veerasamy | by Visakan Veerasamy

Visakan Veerasamy


7 months ago

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one of the things that keeps me tweeting is i honestly love the little puzzle of trying to convey the tone of a thought via plaintext. ive done it 250,000+ times and i still find it to be a fun, interesting challenge

i really tweet first and foremost for myself, and simultaneously you could say for posterity, or if you wanna be dramatic, “for god”, for the gods, for the culture. i really dont care that much about individual people’s short-term approval or disapproval since that fluctuates…

what i *would* be interested in is hearing people’s view of my tweeting like over 5-10 year intervals. most people dont pay that much attention so even with an audience of 80,000 followers or whatever i mostly care about like maybe 200 people

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