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Patrick McKenzie




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I tried to do a routine thing between two Japanese financial institutions. It takes two months and I just got a postcard saying it was denied because there were no responsive records. This usually means someone in the chain has a disagreement as to what my name is. But no.

over 1 year ago

Read it

“The interest rate spread is (part of) the price for banking services” seems like both a banal observation and one which people, including sophisticated people, need spelled out in excruciating detail sometimes.

over 1 year ago

In this thread, an LLM is told to write like me to resolve a routine high-salience unresolved CS inquiry. I used to ghostwrite letters like this on behalf of people who had difficulty writing professionally. The output is not fantastic but *will work if sent.* t.co/SatBUEmm6j

over 1 year ago

They keep violating Stringer Bell’s dictum on the wisdom of keeping written notes of a criminal conspiracy. t.co/fk4obj0mx1

over 1 year ago

Let the record reflect that, even in current tumultuous economic circumstances, I still get a reasonably steady drumbeat of email from people a) getting hired and b) negotiating offers upwards versus expectations / prior job.

over 1 year ago

I’ve now been 3D printing and painting for just over a year, which I find remarkable since I continue few new habits. It still feels magical, and it has been interesting to feel like I’m getting perceptibly better at something every few weeks.

over 1 year ago

In addition to altruistic motivations, some of the stochasticness of the process includes that you have capacity to do some number, X, of human transaction reviews per day to cover Y transactions. You tell computers to select Z% of heuristically fraudiest to review. t.co/N77PPyjT62

over 1 year ago

I strongly endorse this sentiment. (And I would happily bet against anyone believing total employment of engineers in US or median compensation of new hires at AppAmaGooFaceSoft declines over next 10 years.) t.co/yT17OnmOLU

over 1 year ago

One of the reasons every hiring process is terrible, only one but unfortunately it is a true one, is that the median candidate for any publicly posted job will be a terrible fit. t.co/8NUmU31LeB

over 1 year ago

In slight tension to the argument that there is actually no market for narrow banks, we have a policy apparatus which considers them corrosive to trust in the banking system and therefore does not see fit to let them exist. t.co/qwe5KEtvpL

over 1 year ago
