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โœ… First Instagram ad posted ever! This one for Photo AI t.co/GQz5WE10QK

over 1 year ago

Read it

โœจ Made a big landing header for t.co/TfOesx9s6e today, before I'd throw people straight into the app and it was a bit confusing ๐ŸŒถ Put a big spicy slogan "Fire your photographer" on top, controversial but that's good for reach I think, let's see t.co/t3rudNOb4P

over 1 year ago

Anyone known why my PHP can't unlink() files in /tmp (from sys_get_temp_dir()) drwxrwxrwt 92 root root 19771392 Mar 19 08:12 tmp Temp files created by PHP with user www-data (e.g. user on site) but then can't be deleted: /tmp/1679213591-1.png, is_writeable=1, file perms=644

over 1 year ago

โœ… Photo AI now has $18,000 MRR w/ 587 customers! Added $7,000 in MRR in a day from one TikTok! ๐Ÿชง Also I bought t.co/jZn6eesISi today for $40,000 (so 2.2 months of MRR) ๐Ÿ”ฅ Fixed smoking server issues by making index.php -> index.html static t.co/MsQQjaQYHm t.co/yMnLiwNrTX

over 1 year ago

โœ… Reached $15,000+ MRR w/ 484 customers after 4 weeks with t.co/TfOesx9s6e, my new synthetic photo studio: ๐Ÿ’ธ $4,314/mo total costs ๐Ÿ’ณ $15,117/mo total revenue ๐Ÿ’ฐ $10,774/mo profit These are 100% synthetic AI models and do not exist ๐Ÿฆพ t.co/Gg1wHFTRuv t.co/HmVci0ViSs

over 1 year ago

๐Ÿ“ธ TikTok vids of t.co/TfOesx9s6e FINALLY showing up now, this one really nice and got 33,000 likes ๐Ÿคฏ Thanks @rileybrown_ai โค๏ธ t.co/8C6dEFL87g t.co/ekvL9qmr7O

over 1 year ago

Setting up @getRewardful affiliate program for Photo AI seems to be working Seeing lots more posts about it now, before was just med: t.co/xbDDtRfjhs t.co/HK6gLjGJHk

over 1 year ago

โœจ You can now imitate any @Unsplash photo you want on t.co/TfOesx9s6e ๐Ÿฆพ Use the gallery search box, choose any of your trained AI models (like me) and it takes a synthetic photo like it Now live! t.co/f7TbXDuVeB

over 1 year ago

Next taboo issue that will change society drastically once it surfaces Similar to nomading 10y ago Has all the requirements: - controversial topic - data repeatedly shows what ppl rly do/think is highly different than what society accepts now - fringe subcultures already active t.co/cZbo8YHf2e

over 1 year ago

โœจ Added data on female genital mutilation to Nomad List, in some places up to 97% of women suffer this fate This + [ ๐Ÿฅ Legal abortion ] + [ ๐ŸŒˆ Legal gay marriage ] + [ ๐Ÿƒ Legal weed ] = good proxy of a country's development t.co/QY4vwfVjf2 Thx @V_Seehausen for idea t.co/MXC0LrDSH4

over 1 year ago
