Best thing I did was actively surround myself with builders I used to waste my time with people that talk but don't build Talkers cling on to builders to suck their resources like leeches They will put you in giant email threads, Zoom calls, endless DMs, to talk ideas and connect you with other people in the "ecosystem" You quickly realize you're now the protagonist in some bullshit startup theater show where nothing is ever going to be built Talkers have no skills to build, are too lazy to develop them, and thus hover around builders to catch some of their food remains like hyenas After 10 years in startups the talkers I know are still where they were when they started out While a large % of the builders are succesful, rich and have built things with impact to their little (or large) part of society Surround yourself with builders, not talkers because talk is cheap and building is hard!
4 months ago
✅ First Instagram ad posted ever! This one for Photo AI
almost 2 years ago
✨ Made a big landing header for today, before I'd throw people straight into the app and it was a bit confusing 🌶 Put a big spicy slogan "Fire your photographer" on top, controversial but that's good for reach I think, let's see
almost 2 years ago
Anyone known why my PHP can't unlink() files in /tmp (from sys_get_temp_dir()) drwxrwxrwt 92 root root 19771392 Mar 19 08:12 tmp Temp files created by PHP with user www-data (e.g. user on site) but then can't be deleted: /tmp/1679213591-1.png, is_writeable=1, file perms=644
almost 2 years ago
✅ Photo AI now has $18,000 MRR w/ 587 customers! Added $7,000 in MRR in a day from one TikTok! 🪧 Also I bought today for $40,000 (so 2.2 months of MRR) 🔥 Fixed smoking server issues by making index.php -> index.html static
almost 2 years ago
✅ Reached $15,000+ MRR w/ 484 customers after 4 weeks with, my new synthetic photo studio: 💸 $4,314/mo total costs 💳 $15,117/mo total revenue 💰 $10,774/mo profit These are 100% synthetic AI models and do not exist 🦾
almost 2 years ago
📸 TikTok vids of FINALLY showing up now, this one really nice and got 33,000 likes 🤯 Thanks @rileybrown_ai ❤️
almost 2 years ago
Setting up @getRewardful affiliate program for Photo AI seems to be working Seeing lots more posts about it now, before was just med:
almost 2 years ago
✨ You can now imitate any @Unsplash photo you want on 🦾 Use the gallery search box, choose any of your trained AI models (like me) and it takes a synthetic photo like it Now live!
almost 2 years ago
Next taboo issue that will change society drastically once it surfaces Similar to nomading 10y ago Has all the requirements: - controversial topic - data repeatedly shows what ppl rly do/think is highly different than what society accepts now - fringe subcultures already active
almost 2 years ago