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Lenny Rachitsky




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😂😂😂😂😂 t.co/lphj1KgbaZ

about 1 year ago

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Get hyped for my chat with @chughesjohnson t.co/7QbMn9po2D

about 1 year ago

Announcing Lenny's Podcast Book Giveaway #2 💥 Enter to win 10 books most recommended (or written) by recent guests of Lenny’s Podcast. To enter, just leave a star rating on Apple or Spotify, and then fill out the super quick form in the thread below: t.co/NJWcZJbdqM

about 1 year ago

There's no wrong motivation to start a company according to @gustaf t.co/mzekavJzwk

about 1 year ago

Newsletter milestone: 3️⃣5️⃣0️⃣,0️⃣0️⃣0️⃣ 💥 Feeling grateful for everyone who has subscribed. Feeling grateful that I get to do this work. 🧡 t.co/i20sAkdzdN

about 1 year ago

Excited to share my conversation with @gustaf, Group Partner at YC, former Airbnb colleague, and gem of a human. Inside: ➔ Biggest lessons from working with 600+ startups ➔ Attributes of successful founders ➔ What's happening in climate tech ➔ So much more t.co/EgzsmuYguq

about 1 year ago

Among the many 🔥 lessons Annie Pearl (CPO at @Calendly) shared in today's podcast episode, one of my favorites is about how Calendly got their first 1,000 users 🤯🤣 t.co/H8lztw8XxF

about 1 year ago

TIL: The day after the Roe v. Wade decision leaked, the Wordle word of the day was (completely by accident) "fetus" 😬 And it was too late to change it, because they were mid-integration into the @NYTimes tech stack. t.co/xaV8CXMPyS

over 1 year ago

Why the @NYTimes purchased Wordle t.co/0GQ7qmeHNN

over 1 year ago

New interview: An inside look at how The New York Times builds product, with CPO @Alex_Hardiman We discuss how product teams collaborate with writers, how they build their killer visualizations, the backstory of the Wordle acquisition, working at NYT during COVID, and much more: t.co/Sl2qt04fu4

over 1 year ago
