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Revolutionary Raja Ram for Tax & Economic Reforms


about 1 year ago

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š—§š˜‚š—暝—» š—¬š—¼š˜‚š—æ š—§š—®š˜… š—Ÿš—¶š˜š—¶š—“š—®š˜š—¶š—¼š—» š—³š—暝—¼š—ŗ š—® š—”š—¶š—“š—µš˜š—ŗš—®š—暝—² š˜š—¼ š—¦š˜‚š—°š—°š—²š˜€š˜€ š—¦š˜š—¼š—暝˜† (š—£š—®š—暝˜-šŸ®: š—§š—µš—² š—–š—¼š—»š—°š—¹š˜‚š˜€š—¶š—¼š—») Friends this is the second and concluding part of this series. Hope you have got some value additions from the series.

šŸ². š—”š—²š˜š˜„š—¼š—暝—ø š—®š—»š—± š—–š—¼š—¹š—¹š—®š—Æš—¼š—暝—®š˜š—² Build Strong Relationships: Networking isn't just about getting more clients. It's also about learning from peers, getting second opinions, and collaborating on complex cases.

A strong professional network can be your most potent ally. šŸ³. š— š—²š—»š˜š—®š—¹ š—®š—»š—± š—£š—µš˜†š˜€š—¶š—°š—®š—¹ š—Ŗš—²š—¹š—¹-š—Æš—²š—¶š—»š—“ š—§š—®š—øš—² š—•š—暝—²š—®š—øš˜€: You might feel that working round the clock is the way to manage the workload, but it can lead to burnout.

Allocate time for short breaks, maintain a reasonable work-life balance, and ensure you're taking care of your health.

šŸ“. š—¦š—²š—²š—ø š— š—²š—»š˜š—¼š—暝˜€š—µš—¶š—½ š—®š—»š—± š—™š—²š—²š—±š—Æš—®š—°š—ø Engage with Seniors: While you might be handling cases independently, don't shy away from seeking insights from senior professionals (like me!). We've been there, done that, and can provide invaluable guidance

šŸµ. š—„š—²š—³š—¹š—²š—°š˜ š—®š—»š—± š—„š—²-š˜€š˜š—暝—®š˜š—²š—“š—¶š˜‡š—² š—„š—²š—“š˜‚š—¹š—®š—æ š—„š—²š˜ƒš—¶š—²š˜„š˜€: Once every fortnight or month, review your strategies, the way you're managing cases, and any feedback received. Adjust your tactics accordingly.

šŸ­šŸ¬. š—”š—²š˜ƒš—²š—æ š—–š—¼š—ŗš—½š—暝—¼š—ŗš—¶š˜€š—² š—¼š—» š—˜š˜š—µš—¶š—°š˜€ š—Øš—½š—µš—¼š—¹š—± š—œš—»š˜š—²š—“š—暝—¶š˜š˜†: The reputation you build will stay with you throughout your career. No matter the pressure, always uphold the highest standards of ethics and integrity.

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