Revolutionary Raja Ram for Tax & Economic Reforms


10 months ago

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State GST department detects tax evasion in excess of Rs.100 crore The State Goods and Services Tax (GST) department has detected tax evasion in excess of Rs.100 crore at a Thrissur based firm.

Inspections at Highrich Online Shoppe Pvt. Ltd. revealed that the firm had hidden details of taxable revenue generated from consumers through services involving digital coupons and ‘privileged ID,’ according to the State GST department.

The inspection was carried out by the intelligence wing attached to the Kasaragod unit of the department. K.D. Prathapan, managing director of the company, has admitted to the offence and remitted Rs. 51.5 crore as fine, Ajit Patil,

Commissioner, State GST department, said in a statement. Mr. Prathapan was arrested after questioning. Mr. Patil said inspections and investigations aimed at curbing tax evasion will continue in the State.

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