Raja Abhishek For NIRC 2024


8 days ago

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š—¦š—²š—暝˜ƒš—¶š—°š—² š—§š—®š˜… ā€“ š—–š—²š˜€š˜š—®š˜ š—”š—²š˜„ š——š—²š—¹š—µš—¶: š—¢š—°š—²š—®š—» š—™š—暝—²š—¶š—“š—µš˜ š—”š—¼š˜ š—” š—¦š—²š—暝˜ƒš—¶š—°š—²; š—£š—暝—¼š—³š—¶š˜ š—™š—暝—¼š—ŗ š—•š˜‚š˜€š—¶š—»š—²š˜€š˜€ š—”š—°š˜š—¶š˜ƒš—¶š˜š—¶š—²š˜€ š—”š—¼š˜ š—–š—¼š—»š˜€š—¶š—±š—²š—暝—²š—± š—–š—¼š—»š˜€š—¶š—±š—²š—暝—®š˜š—¶š—¼š—» š—™š—¼š—æ š—¦š—²š—暝˜ƒš—¶š—°š—² ā€“ š—„š—²š˜ƒš—²š—»š˜‚š—² š—”š—½š—½š—²š—®š—¹ š——š—¶š˜€š—ŗš—¶š˜€š˜€š—²š—± šŸ“¢ š—§š—µš—² š—§š—暝—¶š—Æš˜‚š—»š—®š—¹ š—µš—²š—¹š—±: Ocean freight and profit from it are not subject to service tax.

šŸ” š—™š—®š—°š˜š˜€: š—”š—½š—½š—²š—¹š—¹š—®š—»š˜: M/s. Balmer Lawrie & Co. Ltd. š—œš˜€š˜€š˜‚š—²: Whether service tax is payable on ocean freight and other associated charges. š—”š—°š˜š—¶š˜ƒš—¶š˜š˜†: The appellant faced a show-cause notice for unpaid service tax on ocean freight and origin charges, leading to appeals.

āš–ļø š—š˜‚š—±š—“š—²š—ŗš—²š—»š˜: The Tribunal ruled that ocean freight is a business transaction, not a service, and profit from it is not considered service consideration. Citing cases like M/s Tiger Logistics and M/s Greenwich Meridian, it affirmed that no service tax is payable on such transactions, as they are independent principal-to-principal dealings.

šŸ“œ š—–š—®š˜€š—² š—œš—»š—³š—¼š—暝—ŗš—®š˜š—¶š—¼š—»: š—§š—¶š˜š—¹š—²: M/s. Balmer Lawrie & Co. Ltd. vs The Commissioner of Service Tax š—¦š—˜š—„š—©š—œš—–š—˜ š—§š—”š—« š—”š—£š—£š—˜š—”š—Ÿ š—”š—¢. 52168 of 2016 š—¢š—暝—±š—²š—æ š——š—®š˜š—²: 01 May 2023 šŸ“œ This ruling establishes that ocean freight and related profit from such business activities are not subject to service tax, reinforcing previous decisions on similar issues.

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