Abhishek Raja Ram: Against High Pitch Notices..!!


5 months ago

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🔍 Petitions Pile Up as GST Notices Flood Businesses After 3 Years of Returns Filing!

In a dramatic turn of events, a multitude of businesses across India have been hit with GST notices—a whopping 800 taxpayers to be precise! These notices, which arrived in December 2023 and January this year, have sparked a legal frenzy. 📜

🤔 What’s the Buzz? The deadline extension for issuing these notices has raised eyebrows, prompting businesses to question their legal validity. 🤷‍♂️ High courts in various states have stepped in, issuing notices to the Centre and advising against coercive action on taxpayers. 🚫

The GST law mandates that notices must be dispatched within three years of return filing. But with extensions galore—thanks to the pandemic and subsequent administrative decisions—the timeline has been anything but straightforward. 🗓️

🌟 Courtroom Drama Unfolds: The high courts of Guwahati, J&K, Ladakh, Rajasthan, and MP are buzzing with legal battles. They’ve temporarily stayed tax demands, leaving businesses in suspense. ⚖️

Industry insiders are glued to their screens, wondering whether the courts will lean toward flexibility or strict enforcement of force majeure conditions. 🤔

🔥 The stakes are high, and the industry is watching closely! 👀 📢 Stay Tuned! The revenue authorities stand firm, asserting that all extensions were GST Council-approved. The saga continues! 📈📊 #GSTNews #LegalBattle #BusinessBuzz #TaxTalks

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