Abhishek Raja Ram: Against High Pitch Notices..!!


4 months ago

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Ice Cream and GST: A Call for Fairness As the Indian Ice-Cream Manufacturers’ Association eagerly awaits the post-election period, there’s a collective hope stirring within the industry. 🍦

The current 18% GST on ice cream sold in shops and parlours stands in stark contrast to the mere 5% levied when it’s part of a ‘restaurant service’. This disparity not only affects pricing but also how ice cream is perceived and consumed across India.

In a bold move, the association has approached the President, who has escalated their plea to the Finance Ministry. Their request? A uniform 5% GST rate for ice cream, aligning it with other dairy products like paneer, curd, and yoghurt.

This isn’t just about ice cream. It’s about fairness. Most raw materials for ice cream are animal or agriculture-based, taxed at NIL or 5/12%. Yet, the final product is taxed at a hefty 18%, making it an expensive treat.

The upcoming GST Council meeting holds the key to potential change. A rate reduction could lead to more affordable prices, increased demand, and joy in every scoop.

Let’s support our local ice cream manufacturers by advocating for a GST rate that reflects the true nature of this dairy delight. 📣 #GSTReform #IceCreamIndustry #TaxFairness #SupportLocal

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