Abhishek Raja Ram: Against High Pitch Notices..!!


4 months ago

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📣 GST Registration Challenges for Online MSME Traders in India ~ FIRST India

The Forum for Internet Retailers, Sellers & Traders (FIRST) India, a division of the India Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) Forum, has raised concerns about the difficulties faced by potential sellers in obtaining GST registration.

The process, intended to facilitate ease of doing business, has become burdensome due to incorrect interpretations and stringent requirements from the registration authorities.

Sellers applying for registration are being subjected to scrutiny and unnecessary requests for clarification on trivial matters.

This includes queries regarding the use of shared spaces for business operations, the presence of the applicant at their desk on all working days, and the justification for choosing Tamil Nadu as the state of registration despite having a presence in other states.

The lack of understanding and adherence to GST guidelines by the authorities is causing unwarranted hardships for sellers seeking business opportunities in the state.

Let’s hope for a more streamlined and efficient GST registration process that truly facilitates ease of doing business. #GST #MSME #BusinessInIndia #EaseOfDoingBusiness

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