Raja Abhishek For NIRC 2024


about 2 months ago

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š—–š—˜š—¦š—§š—”š—§ š—”š—²š˜„ š——š—²š—¹š—µš—¶ š—„š˜‚š—¹š—¶š—»š—“ š—¼š—» š—Ÿš—¶š—¾š˜‚š—¶š—±š—®š˜š—²š—± š——š—®š—ŗš—®š—“š—²š˜€ š—®š—»š—± š—„š—¶š—“š—µš˜ š˜š—¼ š—Øš˜€š—² š—”š—®š˜š˜‚š—暝—®š—¹ š—„š—²š˜€š—¼š˜‚š—暝—°š—²š˜€ šŸ“¢ š—§š—µš—² š—§š—暝—¶š—Æš˜‚š—»š—®š—¹ š—µš—²š—¹š—±: "Liquidated damages for breach of contract and charges for the right to use natural resources (before 01.04.2016) are not taxable under service tax."

šŸ” š—™š—®š—°š˜š˜€: š—–š—¼š—ŗš—½š—®š—»š˜†: M/s. The Madhya Pradesh State Mining Corporation Limited š—œš˜€š˜€š˜‚š—²: Whether liquidated damages, royalties, and area development charges are liable for service tax? š—”š—°š˜š—¶š˜ƒš—¶š˜š˜†: The appellant, granted mining rights by the Madhya Pradesh State Government, was accused of evading service tax on income from forfeitures, royalties, director fees, and area development charges.

āš–ļø š—š˜‚š—±š—“š—²š—ŗš—²š—»š˜: The Tribunal ruled that liquidated damages collected for breach of contract and area development charges allocated for administrative expenses are not taxable. Additionally, charges for the right to use natural resources before 01.04.2016 are not subject to service tax. The demand was set aside, and the appeal was allowed.

šŸ“œ š—–š—®š˜€š—² š—œš—»š—³š—¼š—暝—ŗš—®š˜š—¶š—¼š—»: š—§š—¶š˜š—¹š—²: M/s. The Madhya Pradesh State Mining Corporation Limited vs. Pr. Commissioner, CGST & Central Excise š—¦š—˜š—„š—©š—œš—–š—˜ š—§š—”š—« š—”š—£š—£š—˜š—”š—Ÿ š—”š—¢. 52226 OF 2019 š—¢š—暝—±š—²š—æ š——š—®š˜š—²: 24 April 2023 šŸ“œ This ruling clarifies that liquidated damages and charges for rights to use natural resources (before taxation was introduced) are not liable for service tax.

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