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Trung Phan




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And we’ve come full circle t.co/9gJlNrZjLN

about 1 year ago

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Stephen Wolfram uses a 'walking desk' laptop to maximize productivity. When it is sunny, he will walk around for hours and "type perfectly well" while having "enough peripheral vision" to not trip. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like. t.co/jrQ5BDXbrC

about 1 year ago

John Lennon on LSD for art: “I was suddenly struck by great visions when I first took acid. But you’ve got to be looking for it before you can possibly find it. It was terrifying, but it was fantastic” Anyway, guy that did “Pope Coat” was high on shrooms: t.co/kub3bfRXJ8

about 1 year ago

“Fifty on the chain, Twenty for the piece / a grand for this, the whip is not a lease.” — Rick Ross t.co/weaIwTyjIr

about 1 year ago

This MidJourney collections is good. The Avengers if it was released in the 90s: • Tom Cruise as Iron Man • Brad Pitt as Thor • Arnold as The Hulk • Will Smith as Black Panther t.co/UgB4V9jukV

about 1 year ago

NEWS: My AI-powered research app t.co/5TAEY6T3aK is valued at $100m** after a recent seed funding round. **I issued 100 million shares this morning and sold one share to my mom for $1

about 1 year ago

“You know what I like about The Starry Night? It’s not what Van Gogh saw that night, it’s what he felt.” — Neil deGrasse Tyson t.co/iwTJirEfX2

about 1 year ago

AGI may be coming but it will never be able to fall down an escalator like this stunt dude did in John Wick 4 t.co/rorQ3fbGc8

about 1 year ago

Wild times in the 90s when you’d leave the house for 8-10 hours and be completely unreachable (and have a few quarters to make any emergency calls). t.co/UUgZz2XnGy

about 1 year ago

Succession as a 90s sitcom. Incredible. t.co/QHcQuyyUP6

about 1 year ago
