from Sahil Bloom | by Sahil Bloom

Sahil Bloom


almost 2 years ago

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My first appearance on My First Million just went live. • How private equity guys make so much money • 3 ideas for cash flowing businesses • My businesses and numbers • How @ShaanVP changed my life • @thesamparr’s love of Mean Girls Entertainment + learning. Links below!

Here’s the funny but true story of how I pitched Stitch Fix as a long at $46 in a job interview and mercifully got rejected on the spot (rather than being fired 9 months later when it was trading at $3). Everything happens for a reason, folks!

By the way, you are required to listen to the end of the episode to hear @thesamparr casually drop a Mean Girls reference on me and get called out on it (because I also love Mean Girls).

Here’s the story of how @ShaanVP saved my life (mostly not joking).

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