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Michael Gruen




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If you make $500,000 in Sweden, you keep less than $200,000 of it.

about 1 year ago

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It's not because you're a night owl, it's because you're addicted to YouTube videos

about 1 year ago

Cheap side hustles: - Flipping - Freelancing - Affiliate Marketing - Deliver food

about 1 year ago

If you can wake up at 7am, you can wake up at 6am to build something great yourself.

about 1 year ago

Helping more founders win in two diary days than there are AI startups means nothing. My limitations are working for me, not against me. What are yours?

about 1 year ago

Historians always say that history repeats itself.

about 1 year ago

Privacy is a value. The more it grows, the more you value it

about 1 year ago

The stock market is still overvalued. People are still buying in. When stock investing ends, what will you offer instead?

about 1 year ago

The biggest failure is not trying in the first place.

about 1 year ago

18 is too young to choose what you're going to do for the rest of your life but also too old

about 1 year ago
