Attract a Quality Prospects with a YouTube Funnel

Helmi | YouTube Funnels 🛵


about 1 year ago

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Attract Quality Prospects with a YouTube Funnel Just got off a free consultation call with a potential prospect. He wanted me to build a pretty website to showcase his company's board of directors. I stopped him there & asked him:

Will your potential client be impressed with your board of directors, and decide to work with you because of that? Most likely not. Nobody cares. But you know what will really pull in quality prospects to you?

Consistently show your competence & make people attracted to you as a person online. He was intrigued. The best way to do that is with YouTube. Why?

1. People who go on YouTube typically are searching for something. All you have to do is provide them with the answer. This is what we mean by providing free value. Give, give, give, then take. Here's an example video I did to get leads for Wise: [img:vid-4opmj8RI1]

2. Since you'll be talking to the camera for 10 mins, it's the ideal medium to warm up strangers to your brand. In the sea of competition, Prospects will decide to work with people they like & can get along. What better way to show your personality than on YouTube. [img:Z6vyuZyhd]

3. Unlike short-form videos, YouTube videos typically will compound over time. So over the long run, you'll work less but earn more. [img:XcoxDBHHy]

Any Digital Entrepreneur can do it with a YouTube funnel. Want more info on how a YouTube funnel can help you get more inbound leads? Book a Free Call here:

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